Identifying the "I" Illusion

Just discovered a technique for uncovering the unreality of the self.
I was reading Gateless Gatecrashers by Iiona Ciunaite and Elena Nezhinsky.

Where is "I" located?  Well, just there between the eyes and a bit behind the eyes.  When I focus on just being there, eyes open, "I" is right there.  One has a strong sense of self and location.

So shift focus to the ears.  What do you hear? Where is the sound located? Focus on the sounds you are hearing.  Now look at where "I" is.  IT MOVED. Now "I" is between the ears, in the center of your head.
Lets extend this, focus on your two hands.  Imagine throwing a magic fireball like some wizard.  Maybe do some two hand Karate moves.  Where is "I" now?  IT MOVED. "I" is now between and a little behind your hands.

Now get good at seeing this point of view shift.
Ready?  One , two, three... When you look at the thing doing the viewing, the "I", who is doing the looking? Where is the looker located? Causes a bit of a mind-lockup.

Now go back to what you are seeing. There is the "I".  Just an idea, an illusion.

“Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in a stream;
Like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
Or a flickering lamp, an illusion, a phantom, or a dream.”

The Diamond Sutra.


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