Viewpoint of Self.

A recent response I made to a post on Reddit.  I liked it so I'll share it. The original post asked about self dislike.

----------------------------- First response
Peel the onion. Dig down on the feeling of self dislike, and find

- when you ever first felt that way

- who was there when it happened

Be prepared for a roller coaster emotional ride.

----------------------------- Second response

So a next level better than what I suggested above it to somehow realize that 'you' are not a separate part of the universe but are a non separate part of the universe. You were not born into the world, you were created by the world. Try to look at all of your thinking and emotions as an activity that person (you) are engaged in. Try to be separate from all the observable parts of you. Observe your self in the same way you observer other people.

Then third level is think long and hard about 'who' is observing 'you'. The conclusion eventually will be 'no one'.

This is mind blowingly liberating. When one realizes there is no separate 'I' then all the depression, anger, hatred, boredom, frustration, self defense, is simply a process that that 'you' over there is doing and not necessary at all.

The universe is not broken, and 'you' are not broken. You are what you are, perfect as-is. Once free from compulsory actions you can relax and actually become a more complete and perfect 'you'. Yes I know, it sounds contradictory until you have done it.



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