The word Think in Chinese

I intend to use the Chinese character(s) for 'think' as a kind of logo for the Cognate system.
I am a native English speaker from the United States and see from google translate the following.

1. 认为
2. 思考
thinkponderreflectreflect on
3. 想
4. 想到
5. 思
6. 想起
7. 以为
8. 想象
9. 看
I am not sure which has the subtle meaning of thinking as in a chain of thought or a train of thought.
When one is sitting and thinking thoughts.
Any comments from native Chinese persons would be appreciated.

So far I have used number 1 because it came up first, but I don't think that is correct.
Possibly one of 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 are good.

I like 5 because it is a single character so more of an icon and nice and square.

Update: Maybe 'thinking'   思维  or  思考

Update: I chose  since it is one character and looks good. (Also asked on reddit about which is best.)


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