Avalanche Pattern Recognition

One feature of an SRS (see previous post) is that the 3D regular array of neurons (the cortex) can recognize a fragmented pattern in the subsumptive system, stimulate the subsumptive system into that pattern to a small degree, and then on the next time tick, recognize the now stronger pattern and repeat the process.  The entire system will rapidly avalanche into the state where the pattern is fully matched and the subsumptive system is fully in the match state.

This system will then be locked into that state. Several factors can get the system out of the state and allow 'thinking' to continue.

  1. The pattern matcher will recognize the locked in state and begin predicting the next state.
  2. If one simulates the neurons getting 'tired' or 'bored' they can stop matching the locked in state and more easily match to the next state.  I call this Neural Fatigue.  An analog in biological neurons is the refractory period (maybe).
  3. Some external stimulus to the system like a sudden noise or touch or pain can force the subsumptive system to react and override the pattern matcher.
Much of the research to be done in Cognate and NuTank is going to be a solution to the above lockup problem and the loop of match-stimulate-match-stimulate... in an SRS.

I posit that the above loop is a 'train of thought'.


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